Tanita Sessions

My dedication to Regenerative Therapy began when I saw patients’ lives transformed by the therapies they received. When our brave and indomitable Parkinson's patient went from not being able to touch her nose, to able to button her own buttons, I was hooked. When one of the most cheerful people I've ever know reported that her 30 years of fibromyalgia had vanished within a week of treatment, when our neuropathy patient told me three days after his treatment that he a was able to wear sheets on his feet and take a warm shower for the first time in 5 years--I was not only moved to tears, I became passionate about bringing these treatments to light.

I have been at my husband's side as he has brought relief and changed lives for 36 years through Chiropractic treatment, whole-foods nutritional therapy, and many various therapies and techniques. Our standard was to address the true source of the patient's health problem, with solutions that didn't cause side-effects, permanent damage, or cover up the problem to enable eventual worsening. I was not interested in Regenerative Medicine until I learned that these stem cells are ethically sourced. Then I turned to the scientific studies, and the more I saw for myself, the more I thought, "Why doesn't everyone know about this?" and, "How can I bring these treatments to my family--and to everyone's family?" Having been a beneficiary myself, I have dedicated untold focus, hours, and energy to make these therapies available in our area.

My family means the world to me: I am a proud mother of five children, and have 3 adorable grand-children. I enjoy kayaking and hiking in our gorgeous summers, and reading during our beautiful winters. My faith in Jesus Christ has been the anchor in my life, and I embrace all people and their beliefs. I have had great joy in actively serving those around me.

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